Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 3 of the "Move"

The third day was from Kansas City to Rapid City, South Dakota.  Since Gibbs and Texter had been out late the night before with Older Gibbs, we got a much later start than normal.

 It was another cloudy day spent following Gibbs and Texter.  At least today Texter would be more comfortable as the tires were removed.  This way she had the whole back seat in the SUV to stretch out in.  And the two dogs in their car had more room to move around. 

This wind turbine should have been a clue as to what was ahead.  While we were aware of the "10 months of winter, 2 months of summer" we were heading to, no one said a word about the wind.

 And the snow started showing up on a more regular basis. 
 Amani was still not convinced this 'car ride' was happening and that 'home' was behind us.

Going through South Dakota was long and flat.  Almost boring in fact.  

These trees were in a field on the other side of a rest stop.  The same rest stop which had the sign "Warning Poisonous Snakes" (which I didn't take a picture of, sadly).

Because of the late start, we were out on the highway later than we have normally been.  We wanted to make Rapid City, the next large city, before we stopped for the night.  Luckily, we were treated to a beautiful sunset.  I had heard that as you get closer to 45 degrees, the sunsets last longer.  I have to say I am finding that to be true.  Back home you have only a few minutes to see the sun set.  Here, the sunset  lasted for a good 30 minutes or more.  Made the end of the day a little better.

Of course, this was a omen of things to come.  Driving in the dark into Rapid City was not fun as there were patches of black ice as we got closer to town.  The hotel we found that would accept dogs was also on the last days of "Spring Break" and was pretty full as they also had an indoor water park.  It was a long day and we were all exhausted.  Little did we know the night wasn't over with yet.

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