Saturday, July 27, 2013

"Fairly" Crying

Right now I am nursing a sore head and a desk with dents where I am banging my head against it.  Texter, Lady K and I went to the Montana State Fair last night.  I think my card was set on write protect and didn't register one single picture I had taken.  (At least Texter has some pictures on her camera, but it's not the same!)

So I will share what the patio looks like now instead.  

This is the whiskey barrel with mandavilla and petunias in it.  I am so please with how the petunias have grown and spread out.  Of course, if this was North Carolina the vine would me twice as tall by now.  But after only a couple of months in the barrel, I think it has made a respectable growth effort.

Then my tomatoes.

This is my vegetable garden.  My little pot of peppers on the ground has yielded a baggy full of peppers so far.  I plan on pickling them for Mexican food later on.  The tomatoes are doing pretty well.  I have lost the names of most of them since I had transplanted them from Great Falls house.  I know I have a Cherokee Purple and a Sungold (and know which ones those are), but other than that, no clue.

I have eaten one grape tomato and one green zebra off the vine, but this is my big one so far.  In fact, I picked it today and it is sitting on my kitchen counter waiting for me to go get some bologna for a sandwich today.

This is my only 'problem'.  One of the bird feeders is located at the end of the patio, right over the planter.  I have some 'volunteers', such as this sunflower, coming up.  And I think some birds and squirrels eyeing my tomatoes.

In one of the flower beds I stuck this zucchini.  I really don't expect much out of it because it has to contend with the dogs and I did plant it late, but there are a couple of blooms on it. 

So far I am pleased with what I have been able to grow so far.  Now let's get onto the harvesting!

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